About Page

about my sites

Thease are the best websites in the history of the internet, and the best websites to ever exits.

This is the home for my game, Subway Simulator. This game is a long time work in progress and has very little features at this time. I hope the future will be bright for this game though and I am very full of optimism for it.

My plan for this game is to be a 2d sidescrolling subway simulation experiance. I hope add a few decent maps and maybe have like a central hub map that leads to everything. Also want to add some shops and upgrades that will keep the g

subsim.moe will be hosting the latest relese version of the game, if you want a sneak peek at anythign new that would be coming to it you can check out subway.surfinontheinter.net this is the beta-testing version of the game and will pull the latest updates soon after I add them. Please note that this code will be very new and could be updating every minutes if I'm actively working on it, so if it doesn't work that's why.

The Name says it all, Miku.sexy

This is technically the main site, it's mainly a home for old stuff I want to still keep up somewhere and other side projects, such as my mirror of the Strip Poker Night at the Inventory project. It also is where this about page and the 404 page are kept. Everything is on the same server anyways so I don't think it matters.

About Me

My name is Weeeamoo Hatsune Miku Jones, but you can call me Weeamoo. I own and develop the 3 sites listed above.

Since I'm trans and I'm the one in charge I can say that all of my sites are proudly trans owned and devloped.

I hope you enjoy visiting my websites, if you have any suggestions please send them to me using any of my socials below.

Admin contact admin@surfinontheinter.net